takeout MARKETING launches new NHL music servicing

The NHL is back for another season. Last year marked a record number of sponsors and viewers for the league and this year, the NHL will show its fans and sports fanatics why it is one of the most exciting sports in the world. With more people attending NHL arenas then ever before, pro hockey games are a great place for your music to be heard.

takout MARKETING will be offering a new music service this season. This is a cost effective alternative to our normal stadium promotion service. Using our relationship with team music supervisors, we will mail your single or album to all 30 NHL teams in the United States and Canada. Although we cannot guarantee them playing your music, the fact that they are getting it from a familiar source will give your music a better chance for consideration. There are about 42 games played per week, with an average attendance of 18,000 people per game. That is a lot of potential listeners a week.

NHL Music Servicing Onesheet PDF

Jerry Yeh
jerry [at] takeoutmarketing.com