takeout MARKETING launches new NHL music servicing

The NHL is back for another season. Last year marked a record number of sponsors and viewers for the league and this year, the NHL will show its fans and sports fanatics why it is one of the most exciting sports in the world. With more people attending NHL arenas then ever before, pro hockey games are a great place for your music to be heard.

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avex Star Search Hawaii Dates Announced

avex Group and takeout MARKETING are happy to announce avex Star Search 2009 Hawaii Audition dates.

Hawaii Audition Information:
Open Audition: Saurday, NOV 14th  9am till 1pm
*call-backs on Sunday, NOV 15th
@Ala Moana Hotel, Plumeria Room
Audition open to boys and girls 13-24 years old who love to sing, dance, or model.

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